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Archive: Culture

My Friday Nights

It was the Friday night of midterms during my first year at Caltech, and I was alone in the library. That weekend (week five of...

caltech q and a

In order to get a good sense of the Caltech community, there is no better way than to talk to the students themselves. To give...

What’s on my desk?

I’d like to think that I keep a tidy desk, but hey— entropy prevails for everyone. Here’s a breakdown of all the items you could...

Searching for snow

My grandma always says that it rains whenever Dragons (superior zodiac sign) travel, and sure enough, it was raining when I landed at LAX for...

Room Tour

Depending on the house and style of room that you choose, rooms can look pretty different at Caltech. Generally, the south houses (Blacker, Dabney, Fleming,...

App season survival tips

It’s crazy to think that I began applying to college almost three years ago. I still remember spending hours looking at college websites, admissions blogs...

Venerable Birthday Tradition

When packing for college, the first thing on your mind is likely not about celebrating your birthday. However, months later, as the inevitable birthday approaches,...

Lloyd Interhouse 2022

About a dozen frosh sit and stand in a semicircle around a whiteboard. Various Lloyd-themed interhouse names sit on a list awaiting their fate. One...


As a high achieving high school student, my role in mentoring relationships was always on the mentor/contributing side. I had never experienced what it was...

Being a Caltech Athlete

As I write this blog, I’m sitting on a grassy knoll on Pomona-Pitzer’s campus. It’s the last match of my final season of tennis here...